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HomeHow To Use Our Forums

Instructions for Using AWAM Forums

We realize all  the new options available to all of our members can be a bit overwhelming. If you are interested in participating in the forums, other than just reading the posts, you will need to ACTIVATE your participation by opting-in. All members no matter their category have full access to participate in any of the public or members forums.The default is automatically set to opt out. This is so you have control over the extent of involvement in the forums.

If you want to be able to post in forums, follow a forum by having emails sent to you, or change your forum participation in any way you do this by hovering over your member sign in located at the top right of the screen at the home page.

Open your Profile and scroll to the bottom left to find a Forums Box.

You will see three selections.

Forum General Preferences
(you can make choices about what information about you is shared when you make a comment)

The next selection is Forum Memberships (This is where you choose which forums you want to participate in) click on the green symbol to the far right of each individual forum to opt-in.

The final selection is Thread Subscriptions-This is where you come to see which forums you have subscribed to or Unsubscribe from them.